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Monday, September 16, 2024

Compassion or Not?

What is compassion? Knowing we are not unique, that we are in this together, our joy and suffering shared.                       --- Matthew Fox

We share this planet and all that is here, from air and water to knowledge. We share the hopes and dreams of all humans- a good life for our families, a safe place to live, freedom, etc. If we ruin our planet home, it is ruined for us all. If we lie, viciously compete, cheat, create fear and hatred, we all suffer.

Psalm 85:10 says  Love (compassion) and faithfulness meet together; righteousness and peace kiss each other.

The path of Love/Compassion is taught by all spiritual greats. We hear it from every corner, yet so few live it, and fewer still consistently live it.

I muse - how would it look? We would be interested in other people, their hopes and dreams, their ideas, how life looks through their eyes, accepting them with kindness. We would not insist everyone agree in every detail with us. We would be free of hostility towards ourselves and others. We would collectively find a way to deal with those who insisted on violence (any form, such as cheating, stealing, physical), endeavoring to help them heal their pain, so they could live free of inner torment that caused them to hurt others.

I know this is unlikely, but it is not impossible. Let us strive to begin a Love/Compassion revolution today by doing all we can to show up in our lives as walking talking Love/Compassion, as Kindness in action.  

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Vision of Awakening

This morning I had a vision I need to share.

I saw earth in a dark gray cloud of hatred, anger, illusion, fear, false ideas. I saw a few sparkles of light of those of us trying to get people to wake up from the nightmares of all of this, to the mission for which we came to earth.

Tears ran down my face. How needless the pain and agony of living in this cloud. How far astray it leads people. How unlike it is meant to be. 

The great religions, the great avatars/prophets/visionaries have told us to love one another, respect one another, treat others as we want to be treated, attune to the Divine. They have told us there are answers. There is guidance available. There are spiritual principles to follow. Our lives have purpose. The seed of the Divine is in each of us. We are not our bodies, rather we inhabit our bodies with our souls so we can navigate earth.

We know these words. We say prayers. we pay lip service, but do the opposite.

How can we awaken?

We NEED to awaken NOW. Earth, humans, animals, plant life - we are vulnerable. Weapons of terrible power have been invented, and some crazily itch to use them. Artificial intelligence is poised to be way too powerful. Look what we with the potential of a conscience have done. Imagine what something with more intelligence, but with no conscience could do.

Listen to the call to awaken. Follow it. Become the Light you were meant to be.

Monday, September 9, 2024

The Past and Now, A Different Angle

 It has long been my understanding that we need to resolve our past issues so as to not drag them into our now and distort it. Yesterday I got a glimmer of a new idea, or a slightly different angle, along that line from a novel I started reading,"An Echo in Time."

Basically, the idea is that some of the patterns in our lives can be unresolved issues of our ancestors, recent or even centuries ago.

That struck a note of recognition. My mother's father put a bullet to his brain in front of my mother, when she was 7. I saw the direct influence that had on her and her sister, mother, aunt, and later to my dad, etc.

But then, yesterday I saw a direct line to me from my grandfather. When there were times in the past that I felt hopeless and thought of giving up, I thought of him and made a choice to not give in and so not carry his hopeless forward. He had just been ripped off by his business partner and lost his fortune; his wife was mentally ill; his son was dead. He apparently talked himself into deep hopelessness and gave his life to it.

In my children and in myself, I see resilience. We have walked some very deep valleys, and we kept on walking. Also, we have strong faith. I don't know about my grandfather's faith, but I assume, if he had some, it faltered.

I am going to consider some of the other, strange and seemingly out of left field, patterns in my life through this lens. Are there other family issues trying  to resolve themselves through me? 

Or is it just the human lessons we all came to earth to learn? Are our lives not so different? Is it just earth-school for all of us? Maybe it's not my family issues afterall.

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Marguerite Porete

I have just discovered a mystic I was not aware of, or I simply forgot and just glossed over her name and life 😪,  Marguerite Porete. She wrote a little book, "The Mirror of Simple Sou!s" that was translated into four languages and widely distributed, especially among the Beguines. I just downloaded it myself yesterday. 

She was born in 1250 C.E and burned at the stake in 1310 C.E. Below is just one of the reasons the official church was opposed violently to her, as well as many parts of her writing and teaching, such as that you could find God everywhere. She had tapped into the deep mystical well that has fed the souls of so many. Also, she was a female and part of a religious group not approved of by the Roman church, the Beguines.
 In her book she distinguishes between what she calls “The Great Holy Church,” which is the Church of the Spirit, and “the Little Holy Church,” which she calls the “empirical and scholastic church whose uncomprehending queries are more often placed on the lips of reason than are made to testify to love or the soul . The former church preaches Love; the latter church preaches rules and law and order.          --- "Meister Eckhart - A Mystic Warrior for Our Time"
The church was/is not open to ideas that interfere with their dogma or their control. Yet, all through history there have been people who knew greater, deeper truths. I celebrate Marquette and am grateful for her witness to God's Truth, even unto death.



Sunday, September 1, 2024


 I watch with fascination, and maybe a little horror, as partially aware people rant and rave about some position orthe other. They are wound up emotionally, so not able to use their higher thinking. They are sometimes led to violence. They are civilizations' downfalls all across history. They are controlled by false and nonspiritual ideas. they are not skilled in critical thinking and ao are easily led whichever way their friend or leader leads them. The herd cries "get them" and they do. Group think takes over and bad things happen.

This can happen in any area. In politics we see it. Ranting and raving about this or that party or person, as if they actually knew what was going on behind the scenes and oblivious to how they are being manipulated. There is almost nonexistant civil discourse regarding ideas and principles and consideration of all points of view.

We see paid demonstrators riling up young people to loot and burn and attack. Actually it is to bring down society, but the wild demonstrators think at first it is for some bogus cause and then are so wound up in emotion, they are out of control. The puppeteers behind it all laugh.

I sometimes wonder it Hitler could have been stopped, if people stopped and thought about what he was actually doing, and if they really wanted all that violence and death.

We see it in religiion. Some clergy get people whipped up in emotion and seed in them wild ideas quite unlike the original teaching. All the while, some of the leaders are doing the opposite in their own lives. Think of the clergy who abuse children sexully, or  have multiple affairs with young women, or who live in mansions in lusxury. There is very little actual scholarship going on, if any. There is a twisted and literal interpretation of scriptures with no understanding of what's really being written and by whom.

I don't know how we are going to do it, but I thihk it is urgent that we wake up and help others wake up. We are in a more precarious situation than ever before because of media and also our advanced weaponry. We who see and understand, need to be voices for reason, for thinking beyond the boxes we are in, to step up and live in freedom mentally. 

Please deeply consider this.

Friday, August 30, 2024

Interbeing - Oneness

 I've  been reading some Thich Nhat Hanh and also some Meister Eckhart. Some of their concepts are remarkably alike. I have been pondering one of them this morning. I'd like to share some of my thinking with you.

Eckhart talks about the seed of God in you, about the Cosmic Christ in all things - in other words, about Oneness.

Thich Nhat Hanh talks a lot about interbeing, about everything being connected and interrelated. He has given many examples. I'll share something like his idea. Look closely at a piece of paper. If you look closely, you can see the tree it came from, and the plant that turned it into paper, and all the hands that touched it umtil it came to you. If you look closer, you can see the cloud that rained on the tree and gave it water, and the oceans and lakes and rivers that evaporated to make the cloud to make the rain. You can see the sun that shone upon the tree giving it photosyunthesis and life, you can see the orbit of the earth around the sun and the orbit of the solar system around the Milky Way. And if you look very deeply, you can see the big biang and know that every atom that makes up everything vivible came from that big bang, that the visible is all made of star dust.

It boils down to us being one, participating in a connected, interrelated life. Everything is partof everything.

Everything, everyone, every moment are all sacred and part of the Grand Divinity, the Intelligence orchestrating the manifest universes and beyond.

Contemplate this with me and open to the Great Mystery.

Monday, August 26, 2024

Taste It To Know It

 “The ultimate dimension of reality has nothing to do with concepts,” he warns us. You cannot just describe and talk about apple juice — you must drink it. "Things cannot be described by concepts and words. They can only be encountered by direct experience.”               ---  Matthew Fox,"Meister Eckhart, A Mystic Warrior for Our Time"

Words are useful, but cannot convey meaning alone, for example if the listener has no experience to understand the particular words used or has a mind-made-up-already stance based on other people's experience. They might as well be speaking a different language. The words "apple juice" have no useful meaning to someone who has not tasted actual apple juice. They may understand what the category juice is, but not the taste of this juice.

You may be thinking it's no big thing to not understand apple juice. Yet this is a principle that can be applied to important things, important things like God, soul, unconditional love, forgiveness, peace, and other spiritual principles. 

Most people allow television, internet and social media to colonize their minds. With techniques of hypnosis, these things impart control and seed a mixture of untruths, partial truths, with a smattering of truth. They numb us to the greater Reality.

People become more concerned about what's supposedly going on in some celebrity s life than in the lives of people actually in their lives. They get upset by propaganda. They miss the gorgeous sunset. They miss the tear in their loved one's eye. They block the essence of life and lessons so dearly the soul needs and yearns.

It is an honor to be able to come to earth and experience the spiritual hiding behind the appearances, to develop our spiritual muscle and understanding, to experience the Divine and know Oneness. 

Here in this place we have limits. All is on loan. All is temporary. We must learn to be present so as not to miss those precious moments sculptured, tailored for our soul growth. You may not pass this way again. Be present for every moment.