It's been a long time since I wrote. I have been busy working on a book for my next Russia trip. Each time I go, I write a little book, send it for translation & printing, & then use it as my text for the seminars.
My soul sister in Russia wants me to focus on love. I got the idea to see what great spiritual people in the past said about it. I've picked 8 of them, 8 that influenced me a lot in my journey. I've invited some friends in my spiritual discussion group to make comments on the quotes on which they'd like to say something, then I'm leaving a space for the reader to make their comments. It's almost done. I think it will be useful and meaningful to people. Again the longing in my heart comes up wanting my writings to be also available in English. I hope & pray there is a door opening for that while I'm still here on earth.
In the meantime, I had a huge milestone. March 30th I turned 70! I can hardly believe it. I don't feel old (except for some aching bones & creaks & pains), but the number sounds so huge. My parents each lived to be 93, but the last few years of their lives were not ideal to say the least. I am happy to live as long as God wants me here. I hope I can do so without losing my memory, my ability to move about the planet, my money (what little I have) or my sense of humor.
It has become clear to me that I still have work to do here on earth. I am, however, not totally clear about the specifics. I do know that this book I'm working on is a part of it. I am pretty sure my next teaching trip to Russia is part of it. I walk through each door that opens, not usually knowing the next door. I know God guides me every day, every moment.
A dilemma my husband & I are wrestling with is - where do we live out the next part of our lives? He is not happy here with the weather & the air & growing crowding. He has had a vision of this area laid to waste. It is pretty clear that he really, really wants to move. I, on the other hand, have many friends & activities here that mean a lot to me. He likes the Central Coast where our oldest son & 3 of our grandchildren are. I like it too, but I'm not sure I have the energy to start over again --- new church, new doctor, new dentist, new friends, new quilt guild, new streets to learn, etc. I can do it, of course. I can muster up the energy & start over. So, am I just selfish resisting?
God, I ask for Your guidance about where to live out the rest of our lives. I am open, as always, to You.