Well it has happened. I entered this life on March 30, 1940. The milestone of 80 years served in this planet is reached today. It scarcely seems possible that I am actually that old. I'm still me, although perhaps a more refined and updated version. There is a continuity of all ages and stages in these years. I see a stream of consciousness that is identifiable as me all along the way.
The Way of my journey is filled with a multitude of things, places, people, ideas, hopes, dreams, terrors, growth, darkness and light. It has all been my teacher. The lessons of this life that are meaningful and memorable are all experiential. There are precious moments cherished still.
No matter how horrid a moment may have been, it was my teacher, contributing to my awakening. I think of Paul's idea that all things work together for good for those who love the Lord and are called according to his purposes.
I believe a string of spirituality has woven all the disparate moments into the path I walk and who I am. Mother told me that as a child I was so spiritual it scared her. Kind of an odd thing to say. I don't find spirituality to be scarry. But it does speak to the connecting thread of my journey. From my earliest memory to this now moment the theme of my life is spirituality, genuine spirituality, not second hand, not off the shelf, not what other people sell. My walk is with God. The veil is thin and shimmering.
It seems to me, your connecting thread is also spirituality. Look over your life and give thanks for all of your teachers and for remembering, as Teilhard de Chardon said, "You are a spiritual being having a human experience."
Live this life well.
Love, Light and Blessings,
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