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Monday, January 22, 2024

Science vs God or Science Reveals God

If you believe God created all, but also believe science is opposite of God, hear me out. I had some thoughts in meditation this morning that I want to share with you.

The logic is this:

  • In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Everything sprang forth from God.
  • Everything reflects God, for out of Itself all was formed, everything is sacred.
  • Discovering how it works can lead us to know more about how God set it up, to know more about the Infinite One. 
  • Science tells us the laws and procedures that God set up. It does not go against God. It reveals more and more how magnificent God is.

Religious head honchos across history were more concerned about power and control than about enlightenment. They didn't want people to think for themselves. They wanted good little people to believe only them, all else was labeled dangerous and heresy.

Furthermore, they made up farfetched ideas and sold them as truth. It's called various things, brainwashing, propaganda, manipulation, ignorance, etc. 

Some examples: They sold the lie that ancient myths (stories that hinted at some truths) were in fact literal, factual, historical, and to be believed as such; that in times of illiteracy, with no one to write them down, with no one understanding even rudimentary science, all stories on the approved list were factual and required to be believed; etc.

They used shame, shunning, threats, violence, torture, and even death to force compliance.

Yet here we are in the 21st century, and some of this is still stifling people's thinking. There are far too many believing what they have been told without considering it seriously. I suggest that the magnificent intelligence that set up this universe in incredible ways awaits our awakening.


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