1) Happy birthday dear son. I want you to know that your mom has loved you dearly from the moment of conception until forever. I wish that you focus your life on the good, on the joys, on the uplifting memories and let the darker ones roll off of you. Don't let life get to you so that you forget who you are and what your life is about. Stay in the light. I send you tender hugs and kisses of a lifetime - remember them and how much you are loved.
2) My friend and mother of my dear, dear friend passed from earth today at the tender age of 100! As the physicist says, she has withdrawn her consciousness from the substance and matter of earth and now has entered the immense realm of all possibility. She is birthed into the next expression of life, and I am sure is having a glorious experience.
Currently I am reading "The Physics of the Soul," and am extremely fascinated! He says he can prove many of the tenets of major religions. So far, only 20% into it, and I am eager to read on. It's a bit heavy on science, but fortunately I have a bit of science background so can follow along, at least well enough to get the sense of his points.
This is a grand and glorious universe. What a thrill to be alive in it.
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