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Monday, January 27, 2025

God Speaks Through Everything

 I have known for quite a long time that God/Divine Light is in all people, all animals, all plant life, all stones, all galaxies, etc.  Everything is made of whirling atoms that came from the Big Bang, The origins are present at all times, in all things. I have taught you can make a sermon out of anything you see or feel, whether it be a paperclip, a redwood tree, or a daisy.

Today fabric spoke to me and introduced me to Anais Nin. I'm making a prayer quilt, and one of the fabrics has positive sayings on it. This particular saying reminded me of one of my inspirations on "Turn" I wrote last June and spoke about Jan. 12th this year it is about unfurling oneself from the fetal position and entering the Great Mystery. Anais sooke from the facric and put it this way:

And the day came when the risk it took to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.

 In my years on this planet, I have met so so many people who are afraid to be fully themselves, to dare to do the greatness stirring inside. It is painful to hold oneself tightly in, restraining the true inner nature. How I have wished I could help the tight buds let go and be the full bloom. I suppose that I have encouraged some, some of whom did let go and let God be God in them. But, some then retreated and pulled in and let the moment pass.

If I could find the right words, I'd tell you to dare to be You. Let out your imprisioned splendor. Go for the gold. Bloom and bloom some more. Your shining bloom is needed, not only for yourself, but also for all of us. Please dear one, do it.


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