Human beings ought to communicate and share all the gifts they have received from God. If a person has something that he or she does not share with others, that person is not good. A person who does not bestow on others spiritual things and the joy that is in them has in fact never been spiritual. People are not to receive and keep gifts for themselves alone, but should share themselves and pour forth everything they possess whether in their bodies or their souls as much as possible. beings ought to communicate and share all the gifts they have received from God. If a person has something that he or she does not share with others, that person is not good. A person who does not bestow on others spiritual things and the joy that is in them has in fact never been spiritual. -- Meister Eckhart
He sees it as an imperative that we are to share our gifts with one another. It seems to me there are several ways to look at it.
We are not to be spiritually miserly for sure. What God has endowed in us is not our little secret. On the other hand, when God awareness bursts forth in us, I don't see how or why we would or could hide it.
I do see quite a few with phony awareness, spouting nonsense as if it were the Truth. The charlatans come in every area, from art to religion. Our antennas need to be up to not be taken in. Our rationalizations need to be put to rest, so as not to be led astray.
I have some touchstones, a small list of what I absolutely know to be true. Things or people have to be consistent with them for me to take them seriously. Maybe you have such a list too. Dust it off and put it in use. It saves a lot of deadends.