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Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Bigger Context

Today I am thinking about a bigger context for our lives. We do not exist in a little box 📦. Who we are is not this day, this body or even this life. We are more.

I have come to know that we are part of the eternal flow of creation. Who we are at the soul level is indestructible. I believe we exist, we existed before this life, and we exist after this life.

We have come to this earth school to learn love. The great religions instruct us to love. Jesus even said that love fulfills all of the previous commandments.

Some of our teachers challenge us more than others - can I actually love old so and so? It's not easy going, sickening sweet love we are to learn. It's not all romantic love. We are to learn to BE love. We are to be walking, talking compassion, joy, understanding love. We are to be unconditional love. No one can earn our love or lose our love, for we place no conditions upon it. We are to BE the kind of love exhibited by the great spiritual masters who have walked this earth.

That is our job description. Christmas and the end of the year are good times to check up on our progress. Let us assess ourselves as observers, not as judges. Let us decide to BE more love, unconditional love, in the coming year. Let us heal our pain and anger that stand in the way. Let us set ourselves free from all that is less than love.

Lord, Divine One, I place my life before You. Heal me of remnants of fear and anger that remain with me for whatever reason, from whatever past event. Wash all unlike Your Love away. Set me free to fulfill my true destiny of unconditional love. I rejoice. I feel the strings fall away. I soar into Your Love and share it with all that I am. Thank You, God. 

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