A dear friend, soul sister, frequently says, Life Continues.
This morning, after my devotional time and breakfast, I was sitting at the table, thinking about the things I want to do today - make a sugar free chocolate pie, wash my hair, finish the Christmas tablecloth I'm making, sew some more presents, etc.
An awareness suddenly opened in me beyond our little quarantined world, an awareness that contained everything all at once. People are dying today... People are being born today... People are losing their homes, businesses, and dreams, while others are having their dreams come true... Life continues in all of its joy and sorrow. All over the world, in every city and countryside, life continues.
With that continuing flow, comes choices. Do I let go and release my iron grasp and finally learn non-attachment? Do I let my awareness shift from my head to my heart? Do I focus on what is actually important rather than on my ego? Do I listen to the deep inner knowing more fully?
This time on earth, this slowed down pandemic time, offers us more quiet time to reflect, open, grow, read, meditate, love and just be in the flow of life as it continues. Yet, we must choose to receive and be in this gift, rather than to rush on by.
I send love to my soul sister, Evelina, on the other side of the world, yet fully present in the everything of this moment, as are you.
God is indeed with you, in you - Living Presence in whom we live and move and have our being. Thank You, God. You show me more than simple words can ever convey.
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