I almost shudder to check the morning news nowadays. It seems like daily there is another scandal involving our government that comes to light, and not little ones that titillate, but huge ones that affect us all.
As a world traveler seeing other ways of being a people, I have come to love our nation and our freedoms even more. I have been proud of us and who we have been and what we stand for.
Now I am a bit confused and concerned. Of course I know we have never been told the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. For various security reasons, this would not be possible.
However, I am in hope that groups of good American citizens have not historically been targeted by governmental agencies because of their political affiliation with the out of power party. I am in hope that it is not a long standing activity to monitor us all and all of our communications. I am in hope that the lies around Benghazi are not an example of regular policy. Shall I continue? Well, you have other things you can add to the list, but by now I trust you get my drift.
In this confusion, I hear people voicing their fear of speaking out now that they know about these possibly sinister things going on. The old conspiracy stories are getting new legs in light of recent news. Perhaps our nation is no longer our historical nation. 1984 comes a few decades late, but comes nevertheless.
It seems to me we are in dire need of prayer as a people right now. I hope you will pray with me.
Infinite God, I am filled with thankfulness that You inspired our founding fathers and mothers with the new idea of how to be a nation together. I see Your handiwork in the words, documents, ideas and actions of the great ones that founded our nation.
This day I come to You with a heavy heart, concerned about the continuing of the original intentions You inspired in our founders. I see signs that deeply worry me. God, I ask that You speak in the minds and hearts of today's leaders across this nation and reignite the vision of liberty and justice and Godliness in our nation. Lead them to correct the wavering course of our nation back to alignment with You. If there is anything You would have me do, lead me to know what it is and guide me to act in the Light of the Highest and Best.
I am deeply grateful to know You hear my prayer always. I know that it is a seed planted in Infinite Soil and is even now in process of coming into form. I release it to You for Your perfect action and seal it in the ancient seal of faith as I say Amen, Amen and Amen.
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