It seems that every Easter I hear from somewhere deep inside - it's the great gettin up morning.
It truly is as far as the Easter story is concerned and potentially for each of us. This morning I read one of Meister Eckhart's sermons which seemed synchronistically just right for this gettin up morning.
He often talks of the spark, the seed of God in us and of each of us having the potential and joy to birth the Christ as sons and daughters of God one and all.
Eckhart, as have many philosophers and spiritual teachers, spoke of finding God in the silence, not in words or images. He spoke of the soul as the essence, the ground within where communion with God occurs. We find God and are reborn out of the stillness. In fact he says, "the very best and utmost attainment in this life is to remain still and let God act and speak in you."
In thinking about the Easter story and applying what Meister Eckhart said, a new thought about it all came to me. Instead of looking at the outer story, we might for a moment consider the symbolism. Jesus went into complete stillness in the tomb. When he emerged, he was changed, for even his closest companions did not recognize him. The Rabbi was transformed into pure radiance, for out of the deep stillness that which is impossible to make happen, happened.
Meister Eckhart closes this particular sermon I read this morning with this: May the God who has been born again as man assist us in this birth, continually helping us, weak men [women], to be born again in him as God. Amen
To this I say - Amen, Amen and Amen
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