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Friday, December 18, 2015

John Wesley

Yesterday I had the joy to be at the local Methodist Women's Christmas meeting and luncheon. One of the parts of the program was to install the 2016 board. The ceremony concluded with all of us reciting a quote from John Wesley (the founder) that I LOVE! Here it is:

Do all the good you can; by all the means you can; in all the places you can; 
at all the times you can; to all the people you can; as long as ever you can.

My mind was afire with what a world this could be if we all lived this quote. If we put muscle and bone and heart and soul into being such a person, the world would be immediately lifted into a new age.

That would be a Christmas/Hanukkah present that shines above all other gifts we've ever given. Perhaps it could also be the top ever New Year's resolution for all of us.


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