Yesterday our Priest read part of Jesus' "Sermon on the Mount," you know the blessed part --- blessed are the peacemakers, mourners, meek, persecuted, etc.
It occurred to me while he was reading the list, that this described all of us at one time or another in our lives. We've been in all of those places, and in each & every one, we've been blessed.
Each place has been an opportunity for spiritual growth & depth. At each place, there was God holding us close. We were never alone. We were blessed with spiritual safety while we tried out how to be a spiritual being having a human experience.
In some of the more challenging places, we may have been flailling about, complaining, resisting & seemingly going in circles, perhaps lost in pain. But we eventually came to our senses & moved on, & we moved on with stronger faith in a closer walk with the Divine.
Personally I am currently walking through a couple of challenging experiences. I've done my share of crying, sure. I've asked God, "Why me, why now?" Nevertheless, I do know that all is in the hand of the Divine Love that created me & is with me always. I know that even the darkest valleys contain God's blessing energy. And I know God always leads me out of the valleys, & on the other side I am sincerely able to say "Thank You, God."
So, in advance of walking out of my current valleys, I say, "Thank You, God."
"Yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, You are with me." The Psalmists have reassured me so often. You inspired them so many centuries ago with deep spiritual truths. Thank You, God. And thank You right now for being with me as I walk multiple valleys concurrently. You are with me. I know You are leading me forward, instructing me, making me stronger & more able to serve You in the world. I expectantly await the "green valleys" & the "cup running over," for I know You have already prepared the table. Thank You for giving me a blessed life. Amen
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