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Saturday, January 8, 2011

Facing Life's Challenges

I finally got in to see a neurologist yesterday. After long nerve conduction tests & other tests, he is sure I have a variant of GBS. I don't recall even hearing those initials in relation to health until yesterday.

He wants me back Tuesday & then probably Friday for a spinal tap. If it moves more to my throat or lungs, I am to go to emergency.

So, of course, I've been Googling GBS & discovering more about it. It is rare & most recover fully or partially. If it goes to the lungs, death is more likely.

Another challenge in my Job kind of life. I shall face it the way I have the others. I will talk with God, I will do all I can on my own to recover, I will continue to do as much of my normal life as I can, I will walk as peacefully as possible knowing if God has more for me to do, I shall recover. If I am done here, I will move on to the next life. I think I have more to do, but only God knows for sure.

Dear God, I come to You today for guidance &, if it is Your will, for healing. This body, this spacesuit for my soul, is malfunctioning. Please shine Your healing Light on me. Please inspire me with Your guidance so that I know what to do that is in harmony with You. And, please inspire the doctors to know how to help my body be restored. I ask this in the name of Christ & seal this prayer with the ancient seal of faith, Amen, Amen & Amen

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