I'm preparing a two part series on Paul to be given two Sundays in July. I've read at least 7 books in the past year about Paul, each with varying slants and assessments. I want to present the best scholarship and also my own conclusions up to this point in time. I want to inspire and lift. I want to be accurate and clear.
The series I've named "Will the Real Paul Please Stand Up?" I've worked on my PowerPoint for week one, which I'm dubbing Paul 101, and I will soon begin to work on part two, Paul Speaks to Us Today.
I'm issuing a challenge to people present week one to either take a big or mini challenge -- read all 7 authentic letters and select some verses that inspire you and bring them back to week 2 for discussion, or pick one letter and do the same.
I want to lead people to engage in deeper ways with their spiritual journey. I want to lead people to experience in the deep interior parts of self the great spiritual truths that change one's life. My life goal is to make a positive difference.
At the same time, I wrestle with the bizarre attacks on our assets, with the ongoing challenge of trying to end it, understand it, move beyond and out of it, and to not allow it to stop me from being me or from participating in life.
I stand with one foot in one world and the other foot in an opposite world. It is difficult. It would have been impossible without my relationship with God.
God of my depth, God of the vastness, I pour out thanksgiving to you for being with me, for guiding me, for whispering in my soul. Lead me always dear God. If it is Your Will, lead us out of these challenging twists and onto a higher path of Your Freedom. Surround whoever caused/causes our anguish with Your Light and lift him/her/them in Your healing and heart opening Love. Inspire and Guide me as I prepare the two sermons on Paul for next month. Lead me to give the messages You would have me give. Again, I Thank You from all levels of my being. Amen
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