Each religion, each subset of religion, and each person, each has a different version of God. There is a wide, wide array of thinking and believing about most anything, in particular about the Higher Power. Most people get their version from a combination of places and people, from Sunday School and Christmas pagents or their equal in all religions, from parents, from long dead theologians, from scriptures either understood or misunderstood, from occasional experiences, etc.
Some say God is in the high heavens looking down, some say God is present with us, some say in us. Some say God has all the human emotions, sometimes ferociously angry, sometimes loving, some say loving period. Some say God is constantly judging us, some say God is resting and this is the 7th day. Some say God has a triune nature, some say God is one, some say there are many Gods. Some say their version of God is the only true one, and others are dangerous, some say truth is scattered everywhere. Some say We create God in our own image. We could go on endlessly with this list, but let's not. I hope the point is made. We all put God, The More, in a box, often a well defined box. Let's open our boxes and with breathless anticipation walk out into the vastness of The More.
My version of God, my understanding of God you can read more thoroughly in my book, "Seed Ideas - This I Know About God." I want to discuss just a bit of my version here.
It seems to me that the word "God" is packed with meanings that may or may not apply now. Let us set aside for just a moment our myriad of definitions and try to come fresh to whatever God is and is not.
Let us consider God as Creator. We can see incredible patterns within creation, intricate, immense, tiny. These patterns are true to themselves, discoverable, and amazing. The Intelligence in this ongoing creation is staggering. This led me to believe that there is no God who would be offended by my intelligence and quest.
Let us consider God as Communicator. In all known history, people have experienced guidance, insight, inspiration that seemed to them to be Something More than human. Of course the Communication was/is filtered through our consciousness, culture, present level of understanding, etc. So there are variations across time and place.
Some common items include such things as: there is More, there is God/gods; we can have relationship, I can know a bit of God; God is safe to approach and is Love Itself; there is something like a constant signal calling us to God, a yearning, a knowing, a hunger for returning home. Meditation, prayer, time in nature and quiet help develop our consciousness and relationship with The More.
God calls us to a mature spirituality, one devoid of superstition, inconsistency, and rigidity. Let us walk together with The More.
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