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Tuesday, January 12, 2016


In the 12th century the great Hildegard of Bingen became a Renaissance woman. I say this because she was an abbess, a mystical writer, a mystical composer, artist, healer, leading expert on herbs and remedies, and renowned throughout much of the known world. She did things that women could not do in those days. She amazes me, astounds, inspires, and has for many decades since I first discovered her. To all truly on a spiritual quest, I highly recommend reading about her, reading her writings and listening to modern musicians who create transcendent recordings with the music that she wrote so long ago. Even Pandora has a Hildegard station. I love it!

I was contemplating the above quote today. Imagine with me that we are vessels that God has filled with inspiration for us to employ in order to participate in this creation and do our part in perfecting it. How often do we feel the nudge of inspiration and endeavor to push it away? How often do we feel that nudge and welcome it?  How often do we pretend that we are unworthy to be God's vessel and co-creator? How often do we accept the incredible gift of being God's vessel and step up to do our part in making this a better world? 

So often in my life, inspiration has hit. I am overcome with the NEED to write something, draw something, or do something or the other. When I write, I am aware, especially upon re-reading the words, that it comes from a far wiser place. I am certain that what Hildegard says is accurate: A human being is a vessel that God has built for himself and filled with his inspiration so that his works are perfected in it.

What if we insert our name to make it hit home more fully, and contemplate these words until they fully reveal their meaning to us: 

I (Marlene) am a vessel that God has built for himself 
and filled with his inspiration so that his works are perfected in it.

I (             ) am a vessel that God has built for himself 
and filled with his inspiration so that his works are perfected in it.

I humbly come this day to surrender false modesty and fully embrace You, Lord.
I am ready and willing to experience Your inspiration in me.
I am ready and willing to walk the steps in order fulfill my participation in Your Creation.
I am Yours.

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