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Sunday, September 27, 2015


Yesterday was the parable workshop led by my friend. It was a joy for me to be in that setting again and to see my friend well enough to lead a workshop.

Parables are earthly stories with heavenly meaning, she shared. I think they are archetypal too. That is, for example, the prodigal (a person who extravagantly wastes) story puts forth some characters that represent the human condition in all times and places. There is the forgiving, magnanimous, loving parent. There is the willful, spoiled, wasteful, runaway, returning contrite. There is the self-righteous sibling who stands with resentment, jealousy and judgment. There are the pigs who for some reason often are representative of hitting bottom. From time to time, we find ourselves in these various archetypal situations and roles.

Reading the parable and also living it are very instructive. We of course have to pay attention and be very conscious of ourselves and the dramas around us.

It seems to me that deep, genuine spirituality can lift us out of archetypal patterns to a freer life.

The Methodist perspective (that is where the workshop was) has a square to depict its point of view.
I changed the solid lines to the dotted lines as I see these 4 points interactive.
For me, this is a reasonable foundation. I would say all this also stands upon critical thinking, study, exploration, and developing that which is one's own unique path to awakening. 

Read all manner of spiritual things, listen to all the spectrum of thought and reasoning,think and sort through ideas (are they congruent?), sing the hymns, say the prayers and go beyond to seek the personal experience of God that is only found in precious moments of sincere seekers. It is that being with God and knowing that changes ones life. 

That's my experience. Seek the Holy Presence. Open to live in the Presence. Go beyond wherever we have gone before. God is Infinite. Expand.

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