It happened. My husband and I got Covid, again, a couple of weeks ago. Yesterday we finally tested negative. We are still coughing and fatigued, but lots better. My sense of taste is way off, I tend to get dizzy, etc. but no temperature and no on the Covid test. We got infusions of monoclonal antibodies last week Wednesday. A Riverside County Public Health nurse called after our positive tests and suggested, because of our ages, we should drive up to the University of California Riverside Hospital Complex to get infusions. They called yesterday to check on us. I guess we are now part of the statistics.
So, our lives continue, and I must have more to do here. I prayed this morning, again, for guidance for the best use of these remaining years. I see so much going off the rails, devolving, going away from where civilization could/should go.
You see the news. Putin is threatening WW3 while his forces play havoc in Ukraine causing untold pain and anguish. Zi wants to take over the world and is doing all sorts of things to undermine the West while also promoting atrocities within China. Unhinged teenagers are doing mass murders. Crime is up, borders are open, inflation is galloping upward. On and on,
Underlying all of this, in my understanding, is the move away from spirituality, religion, proven social behaviors and mores. Religion has failed us on many counts. It has failed by moving away from the essential core and making up far-fetched theologies that have nothing to do with the long-ago beginnings. They have morphed into something the founders would not recognize. Imagine Buddha or Jesus or Lao Tse visiting today's versions of what their amazing insights were.
While theologians argued over how many angels could sit on the head of a pin, people were being tortured for having the "wrong" beliefs. Today, while so many are lost and miserable, religious leaders argue over fine points of their made-up theologies. Go back to the fount of the original wisdom to see how far we have strayed from the ideas that ignited an entire movement, words so thrilling and meaningful that great changes were stirring hearts and minds.
It's simple, but not easy. Love one another. Love God. Forgive one another. Help one another. Get the log out of your own eye. Don't judge by appearances. Don't be attached to the things of this world. The kingdom is within. Let your light shine.
Living these simple teachings could change everything. Lay down the weapons of manmade theologies, and pick up the clear and simple ideas and live them the best you can. It could be the dawn of something wonderful for humankind, if only we would live the teachings that still ring clear and true across the ages. Think on these, contemplate them, and do your best to be living examples:
Love one another. Love God. Forgive one another. Help one another. Get the log out of your own eye. Don't judge by appearances. Don't be attached to the things of this world. The kingdom is within. Let your light shine.
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